Click on the topics below to find resources to help support early childhood developmental health.
- Visit our Vroom Resource page
- Talking Is Teaching
- Zero to Three
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
- UNICEF Mini Parenting Master Class Series
- Early Brain Development Research & Resources -Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
- Handout: Value of Routines for Caregivers/Families – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Caregiver/Parent Handouts: Games and Activities that Build Brains and Executive Function Skills from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child. (Available in by child’s age and in Spanish.)
- Handout: 100 Ways to Bond with your Child – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child.
- A Guide to Serve and Return: How Your Interaction with Children Can Build Brains – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Building Babies’ Brains Through Play: Mini Parenting Master Class – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Mississippi Thrive! Intro to Milestones (ENGLISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Intro to Milestones (SPANISH)
- Guide to Development for Early Educators
- Information for Health Care Providers: Surveillance versus Screening
- Sometimes Delays Happen: Guide for Families (ENGLISH)
- Sometimes Delays Happen: Guide for Families (SPANISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children 3 years and Older (ENGLISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children 3 years and Older (SPANISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children Younger than 3 years (ENGLISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children Younger than 3 years (SPANISH)
- CDC-How to Talk to the Doctor
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children 3 years and Older (ENGLISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children 3 years and Older (SPANISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children Younger than 3 years (ENGLISH)
- Mississippi Thrive! Early Interventions for Children Younger than 3 years (SPANISH)
- Child Find Early Intervention Program (children 3 years and older) – call local school district to connect with Child Find contact
- Mississippi Department of Education Office of Early Childhood
- Mississippi Department of Health Child Care Licensure Division
- Center for the Advancement of Youth
- My Child Without Limits and Brave Kids
- Mississippi Parent Training and Information Center
- Mississippi Family 2 Family Health Information and Education Center
- Mississippi Early Childhood Inclusion Center
- Help Me Grow
- A Toolkit for Comprehensive Developmental Screening and Health Promotion Using a Whole Child and Family Approach: A Pathway to Operationalize Bright Futures Early Childhood Guidelines
- Resources for Health Care Providers from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of Change – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Research, reports, briefs, etc. for health care providers on early childhood developmental health topics by the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- A National Toolkit for Comprehensive Developmental Screening and Health Promotion Using a Whole Child and Family Approach: A Pathway to Operationalize Bright Futures Early Childhood Guidelines
- A Mississippi Specific Toolkit for Comprehensive Developmental Screening and Health Promotion Using a Whole Child and Family Approach.
- Podcast: The Brain Architects from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
- Connecting the Brain to the Rest of the Body: Early Childhood Development and Lifelong Health are Deeply Intertwined
- Epigenetics and Child Development: How Children’s Experiences Affect Their Genes
- Health and Learning are Deeply Interconnected in the Body: An Action Guide for Policymakers
- Brain Story Concepts: Learning Cards – Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
- Early Brain and Child Development 101: Why Peekaboo Matters – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Key Concepts: Brain Architecture – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Executive Function: Information for Providers – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- What Are ACEs? Graphic to understand Toxic Stress – Center for the Developing Child
- Traumatic Experiences – Sesame Street
- Supporting Young Children after Crisis Events – NAEYC
- Stress and Resilience: How Toxic Stress Affects Us, and What We Can Do About It – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- A Guide to Toxic Stress – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
How to use these videos: These video webinars are useful for parents to view independently or as part of an organized parent learning session.
- Supporting the Development of Your Child’s Brain Architecture Module 1
- Teachers or parent organizations can use this guide when sharing this module in a group setting.
- Part 1A: Learn about the science of early brain development and how parents can best support this growth.
- Part 1B: Get information about “Serve and Return” interactions between parents and children, and explore the topic of toxic stress and the impact on a child’s development.
- Supporting the Development of Your Child’s Brain Architecture Module 2
- Teachers or parent organizations can use this guide when sharing this module in a group setting.
- Part 2A: understanding developmental milestones and how parents can tell if their child is growing and developing appropriately.
- Part 2B: information and resources parents can use to monitor their child’s development and what to do if a parent has a concern about their child’s development
- Supporting the Development of Your Child’s Brain Architecture Module 3: A Behavioral Support Toolbox
- Teachers or parent organizations can use this guide when sharing this module in a group setting.
- Part 3A: factors that impact behavior, how to promote desired behaviors, impact of COVID-19 on children and families
- Part 3B: encourage desired behavior with established daily routine, list of rules and consequences, physical activity, and teaching coping skills
- Part 3C: the importance of one-on-one time between parents and children and its impact on a child’s behavior
- Part 3D: how parents can give effective instructions
- Part 3E: praise and rewards for children
- Part 3F: responding to unwanted behaviors in a child
- Part 3G: consequences for unwanted behaviors while considering the child’s level of development
- Supporting the Development of Your Child’s Brain Architecture Module 4: Vroom ®: A Tool to Promote Brain Building Moments™
- Teachers or parent organizations can use this guide when sharing this module in a group setting.
- 1 Part: information about Vroom® resources and how they can help parents do more with their children during their shared moments
- Supporting the Development of Your Child’s Brain Architecture Module 5: Resources and Supports
- Teachers or parent organizations can use this guide when sharing this module in a group setting.
- 1 Part: resources available to support parents and their children’s early brain development
- Behind Every Child Behavior, There is a Feeling – Addressing and understanding challenging behaviors – Too Small Too Fail
- Co-Regulations Techniques – Helping children to cope with big feelings – UC Davis Children’s Hospital
- Coping & Relaxation Skills 1 –Techniques for helping children relax and cope with stress – UC Davis Children’s Hospital
- Handout: Positive Parenting – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child.
- How to Motivate Children: Science-Based Approaches for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Building Core Capabilities for Life – from the Harvard Center on the Developing Child
- Video: Screen Time Use
- Video: Talk, Read, and Sing
- Video: Reading Together
- Video: Brain Building with Puzzles