A Mississippi Thrive! Chart Book

Provider survey : Data from a web-based survey administered to members of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics(MS-AAP) and to members of the Mississippi Association of Nurse Practitioners (MANP)

Data are from a web-based survey administered to members of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (MS-AAP, N = 300) and to members of the Mississippi Association of Nurse Practitioners (MANP, N = 3,221) who had a valid email address. The primary goal of the survey was to assess provider experiences regarding professional training in developmental health, the provision of developmental screenings, and experiences surrounding coordinating services and/or referrals for developmental health needs among children ages 0-71 months in Mississippi. The questionnaire was modeled on surveys administered to pediatric health care providers by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The instrument was used with permission from the AAP.

Survey administration began in September 2019 and ended October 2019. Non-respondents received three reminders to complete the survey prior to the end date. Respondents were offered a $10 gift card to a national retailer to incentivize participation. After excluding a few MANP respondents with data quality issues (n = 7), the final sample contained 182 respondents (MANP: n = 136, MS-AAP, n = 46). The final response rate was about 5%. The survey was administered by the Survey Research Lab (SRL) located at Mississippi State University’s (MSU) Social Science Research Center (SSRC). The survey was funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) at the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in partial support of the Mississippi Thrive Project. Additional information about this project is available elsewhere (Gardner et al. 2020).

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